What happens in a dark place, The Vestibule, November 2017

The Vestibule
Seattle, WA

As part of a collaborative conversation, Portland artist Alyson Provax and Seattle artist Serrah Russell created new works utilizing collage, photography, letterpress, and animation that explore ideas of absence, disappearance, memory and change in the context of the recent solar eclipse within our current political climate.

Conversation with Alyson Provax and Serrah Russell

ABOUT The Vestibule

The Vestibule is a place to get intimate with art. You can sleep in a AirBNB beside local art. The gallery supports exhibitions by emerging artists who show work, commission-free; earned income from short-term rental offsets the cost of framing and developing installations.

The Vestibule’s mission is to become a micro-cultural center. The Vestibule brings public art to a primarily residential neighborhood in North Seattle which has few dedicated art galleries but a community with potential to invest in art. Visiting artists stay free of charge while installing work, and the public can visit our storefront, participate in pop-up shows and family-friend events, or stay the night in the gallery

Private life doesn’t have to be the end of life. Public life can be the aim of life. That’s what we’re about. Directing our life toward a public life centered around the culture we want to live in. In other words, We dream of a culture in which everyone opens the vestibule of their private home to public life. Art lives in vestibule, the passage between the private and public life.  We show the work we want to see every day and allow this to be art that is not merely “over-the-couch” – art supported by cycles of capitalism and consumerism – but rather art that is nurtured outside those boundaries.

Learn more on The Vestibule website